31/03/2017 21:00 metal party per supporto finanziario ai prigionieri politici. Nell’assicurato ponte refrigerato, Vyronas – Analipsis Squat, Vironas. Carrello – carrello 11 (24 ore – 24 ore), autobus – autobus 203, 204, 054, 209 (fermata dell’autobus agora), autobus – autobus 732 (fermata n. 9 formionos)
publications in English
Camicie per supporto finanziario di prigionieri politici.

T-shirt per il sostegno sinaniale dei prigionieri politici. T-shirt da 8 € 13 € manica lunga 20 € inverno Contattaci per gli ordini. Anarchico Black Cross
Εκδηλώσεις γενεθλίων / birthday events

Κάθε Δευτέρα του Μαρτίου 2016 στις 18:00 εκδηλώσεις γενεθλίων 7/3 προβολή της ταινίας του Lemmy (Motorhead) 14/3 προβολή ντοκιμαντέρ “Metal from Hellas” από τον κιθαρίστα Νίκο Παπακώστα και συζήτηση με τον ίδιο. 21/3 παρουσίαση του βιβλίου: “Το μικρό βιβλίο του ελευθεριακού κομμουνισμού” από την ΑΚΑ (Αναρχικοί για την Κοινωνική Απελευθέρωση) 28/3 What Politica – μια […]
10 years abc greece ( text into English, Greek, Polish, French, Spanish, Romanian, Italian, German, Bulgarian )

English Announcement of the anarchist black cross for the last 10 years of continuous presence in Greece. We would like to inform you that these last months we have created a new website, which has not been perfected yet but with your contribution it can be done. We accept your texts and updates for publication […]
Aνακοίνωση metal @ttack & αναρχικού μαύρου σταυρού

Aνακοίνωση metal @ttack & αναρχικού μαύρου σταυρού Τα έσοδα από το πάρτι μας στις 29-05 https://abcgr.espivblogs.net/2015/05/08/metal-party-295/ θα μοιραστούν μισά μισά στον σύντροφο από την metal @ttack για τα δικαστικά του έξοδα και στους πολιτικούς κρατούμενους της Σ.Π.Φ. και τους συγγενείς τους καθώς κρίνεται επιτακτική ανάγκη να μαζευτούν πολλά χιλιάρικα ευρώ… Επίσης τα διαθέσιμα λεφτά του […]
Metal party 29/5

Metal party 29/5 mihanourgio politehnical university-exarhia athens All profits will go to cover trial costs of a comrade and for economical aid of the political prisoners Metal @ttack https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/metalattack
~metal @ttack~

Le entrate dei prossimi caffè saranno assegnate al sostegno dei partner finanziari dal nostro gruppo che ha un tribunale … I profitti delle prossime barre metalliche supporteranno il nostro compagno che sta affrontando un processo … Chiamiamo tutte le miniere per impegnarci. Coloro che: > a loro non piacciono i negozi > niente più soldi […]
20-21-22/2/2015 3 days events

εκδήλωση όπου συμμετείχε και ο A.B.C. greece event with the participation of the A.B.C. greece 3 days events Program: 20.2.15 16.00-17.00 The phenomenon of migration in Greece: Identify and stereotypes for the “other” 17.00-18.00 Gendered stereotypes in modern Greek society: How they are reproduced and can be reconstructed. 18.00-19.00 BIO.ME. 19.00-20.00 Convention about occupations […]
Prisoner Support, Prison Abolition, and the US Anarchist Movement

Prisoner Support, Prison Abolition, and the US Anarchist Movement Although anarchism has a long history in the US, the US anarchist movement is largely disconnected from past struggles, due in part to the brutality of state repression in the ‘60s and ‘70s.Currently there are few anarchist prisoners, because of the youth of the movement, so […]