On the night of 30/12/2019, Nikoletta Dosio, 73 years old, was transferred to prison to serve a one-year suspended prison sentence imposed on her for participating in one ofthe NO TAV demonstrations in 2012.
The demonstration was a response/protest for the injury of another NO TAV activist,Lucas Ababa – currently in prison – who had been electrocuted and fell from a power pole while the police run after him. Then Luca Abbas remained in the hospital between life and death for several days. Nicoletta Dosio, along with Dana Lauriola and 10 other NO TAV activists, were finally sentenced to 1 to 2 years in prison without suspending the peaceful occupation and opening of the tolls for less than an hour on the highway that crosses the intersection Sousain March 2012.
NO TAV activists – for thirty years – oppose the construction of a high-speedrailway connecting Turin (Italy) with Lyon (France)
When this unnecessary, costly and dramatically damaging environmental project was decided, the local communities were outlawed and literally militarized the site.
Under the law, the area was classified as “highly sensitive” and heavy penalties were imposed on anyone who protested. This “grand project”has already cost the locals who resist its implementation, dozens of trials with consequences for both their individual freedom and the ability to continue the struggle peacefully. Preventive measures were taken and severe penalties were imposed in exemplary trials in which the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation repeatedly intervened in refusing to give legality to those judgments. Years of entire judicial activity have been devoted almost exclusively to the punishment of exemplary punishment for any act of resistance to the choice of a project that has been reasonably criticized by many, including forces currently involved in the Italian government.
It is a justice oriented, “strict with the weak and weak with strong”, uninterested to the right demands of a widespread popular protest. A justice using the Rocco fascist code, which even provides for the imposition of severe precautionary measures to “prevent” possible”socially dangerous” acts.
In the case of the NO TAV movement – and not only – these measures were widely used tostifle any form of political disobedience and social conflict.
The conviction of Nicoletta Dosio and the other 11 activists is a political conviction, the verdict itself confirms. In fact, there was no attenuating northat of an earlier honorable life since, according to the court ruling,”… the high degree of organized crime is taken into account, which demonstrates the link between the accused and the most radical and violent wing of the NO TAV movement and consequently. THEIR SOCIAL RISK … »
Nicoletta Dosio gave this fight with consistency and dignity, seeking to prove by herrefusal to propose alternatives to imprisonment, the injustice of a repression against the NO TAV movement that isn’t same in other cases. In response to environmental and social struggles, the state responds by criminalizing the struggles themselves.
We,on the other hand, believe that the sacred right of protest against the “queen”of large useless works is indisputable and call for a radical change in the waysocial and environmental struggles are handled, such as the TAV project. A project that should be the subject of serious and civilized debate on the usefulness of such projects among local communities, central and local government, and not subject to judicial penalties, demonstration of military power and the issue of “public order”.
For these reasons, we call for the immediate release of Nikoletta Dosio and all other NO TAV activists, as well as the initiation of a social amnesty award process.

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