English Announcement of the anarchist black cross for the last 10 years of continuous presence in Greece. We would like to inform you that these last months we have created a new website, which has not been perfected yet but with your contribution it can be done. We accept your texts and updates for publication […]
Anarchist black cross
20-21-22/2/2015 3 days events

εκδήλωση όπου συμμετείχε και ο A.B.C. greece event with the participation of the A.B.C. greece 3 days events Program: 20.2.15 16.00-17.00 The phenomenon of migration in Greece: Identify and stereotypes for the “other” 17.00-18.00 Gendered stereotypes in modern Greek society: How they are reproduced and can be reconstructed. 18.00-19.00 BIO.ME. 19.00-20.00 Convention about occupations […]